Children's Dentistry

experience. Children are not born with a natural fear of the dentist, but they can fear the unknown.
The earlier children get used to the dentist, the better. When they are little, it is a good idea to bring them along to your own appointments so they become relaxed and accustomed to the smells, noises and environment of a dental practice.
Children are at high risk for tooth decay for a simple reason — many children and adolescents do not practice regular, good oral hygiene habits. Proper brushing and flossing routines combined with regular dental visits help keep tooth decay away. Your child should visit the dentist every six months for regular dental cleanings and checkups. We recommend fluoride treatments twice a year along with cleanings to keep teeth their strongest.
It is important that your child’s newly erupted teeth (erupting at 6-12 months of age) receive proper dental care and benefit from proper oral hygiene habits right from the beginning.
Although placing a child on the dental chair sounds difficult, our real goal is not only to check their teeth but also to encourage them to be familiar with the dentist chair.
Many people with dental phobia were traumatised as a child, and it scars them for their whole life. At our practice, we work hard to make sure the children are happy and comfortable on the chair, and when there is no fear, they are more likely to have routine dental visits throughout their life. If your child needs dental treatments, our TV monitor can really distract them by playing a movie they like or simply ABC for kids if they’re used to watching it.
Do you know under the scheme each eligible child aged 2-17 years are covered for $1,095 per child over a two calendar year period? At Crows Nest Dental, we provide bulk billing dental for children through Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS). Please contact us to see if your child is eligible.
Interventional Orthodontics is the treatment provided to a growing child to correct the following habits/problems seen when a patient is around 7-8 years old:
- Misaligned Teeth (Crowding or Excessive spacing)
- Tongue thrusting
- Teeth-grinding
- Cross bite/Deep bite/Overjet
- Snoring/Sleep Apnoea

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Level 1, 60 Willoughby Rd, Crows Nest.
Monday 8am-6pm
Tuesday 8am-6pm
Wednesday 8am-6pm
Thursday 8am-6pm
Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 8am-12pm
Closed Sundays & public holidays